There you will offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you. 在那里你必卖己身与仇敌作奴婢,却无人买。
Elderly Li women with their people's distinctive spidery blue tattoos on their faces and legs weave garments on simple lap looms and offer them for sale. 一些脸上、腿上带有黎族特有的细长图形青色文身的老年妇女用简单的踞织腰机织布,并向游客出售自己的作品。
No person, firm, or corporation shall sell, offer for sale, expose for sale, raffle, or give away any rabbit or baby poultry which has been dyed or otherwise colored. 任何个人,机构,组织都不得销售,或以标价,公开,抽彩的方式出售,不得丢弃已被染色或涂色的兔子和家禽。
Sony Digital Cinema will offer for sale to current users of its 4K digital cinema projectors a remote software update to make sure its projectors will be able to play movies like 'The Hobbit' at the higher, 48 fps frame rate. 索尼数码影院(SonyDigitalCinema)将向目前使用4K数码投影机的影院标价出售一款远程软件升级,确保这些投影机能放映像《霍比特人》这样用每秒48帧技术拍摄的电影。
Since its creation, companies that offer their stock for sale to the public are required by federal law to tell the truth about their businesses. 自从它成立以来,上市公司需按照联邦法律的要求,向公众出售股票时诚实交代自己的业务。
We offer the house for sale. 我们为出售住宅发出要约。
We are pleased to offer you a sole agency for the sale of our products in your country. 我们很乐意指定你们成为我方产品在贵国的独家代理。
To offer ( goods or services) for sale at a price lower than the official list or market price. 开价低于市场价格为出售以比官方规定或市场价格低的价格提供(商品或服务)
Licensee agrees not to offer for sale or advertise or publicize any of the Contract Products licensed hereunder on radio or television without the prior written approval of Licensor. 接受方同意,在没有得到许可方的事先书面批准的情况下,不在电台或电视台作使用本合同商标的合同产品的宣传或广告。
No manufacturer or wholesaler may sell or offer for sale in this state children's jewelry that fails to meet the cadmium requirement; 任何生产商或批发商不得在明尼苏达州销售或为销售供应违反该州镉含量规定的儿童珠宝;
You will provide data conforming to our specifications concerning price, availability and other information for the products you offer for sale. 您应提供符合我们规定的有关您要销售的产品的价格、供应量及其他方面的数据。
Offer for sale at a price lower than the market price. 以比市场价格低的价格提供商品或服务。
We are glad to offer you a sole agency for the sale of our products in your city. 我方很高兴委托贵方在你们城市独家代理销售我方的产品。
If dealing with a private real estate investment, should we raise or lower rents, reposition or spruce up the asset, refinance, or offer the property for sale? 如果是私有地产投资,我们是提高还是降低租金?再重新配置使资产更漂亮?再融资?或者售出资产?
Many developers looking to improve their own cash flow will offer property for sale off plan. 许多商寻找提高自身的现金流量将提供客财产出售计划。
Reputable merchants would not offer a wine for sale without knowing the price and their allocation. 有信誉的商人不会不知道提供的价格和它们的分配一个葡萄酒出售。
No offer for sale is made by the advertisement of the auction. 没有一个出卖要约是通过拍卖广告发出的。
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as an offer, invitation or solicitation for purchase or sale of any securities, products or services. 此网页内所载之内容不应理解为买入或出售任何证券、产品或服务之建议、邀请或游说。
In fact, the whole offer for sale could be seen as a cynical, if necessary, charade. 事实上,整个竞价过程都可被视为嘲讽的儿戏,尽管这是必需的。
A department store ad which announces an "offer" of a sewing machine for sale at a low price, as a "Thursday Only Special", is probably not making a legal offer. 一家百货店在广告中宣布作为“星期四特价”以低价出售一种缝纫机,这其实不是法律上的要约。
As prices increase, producers will offer more products for sale; as prices decrease, producers will offer less ( or fewer) products. 价格上扬,制造商就会生产更多产品来销售;价格下跌,制造商就会提供较少的产品。
The market offer optimum condition for sale. 市场为销售提供了最佳条件。
We have set out below the terms and conditions under which we can offer you the item for sale. 我们已经列出以下我们可以出售这一产品的条款。
No person shall sell or supply or offer for sale or supply any intoxicating liquor in any part of a stadium unless he is authorized to do so in that part of the stadium in pursuance of an agreement with the council. 任何人不得在体育场的任何部分售卖、供应、要约出售或要约供应任何令人醺醉的酒类,除非该人依据与市政局订立的协议而获授权在体育场的该部分如此办。
In a public offer of stocks, when the term for sale by proxy or exclusive sale expires, an issuer shall report the information on stock issuance to the securities regulatory authority under the State Council for archival purpose within the prescribed time. 公开发行股票,代销、包销期限届满,发行人应当在规定的期限内将股票发行情况报国务院证券监督管理机构备案。
You may not offer any Account for sale or trade, and any such offer is a violation of this Agreement and may result in suspension or termination of the Account. 你不可以提供任何关于账号的买卖,并且这样的一种行为是违背了暴雪游戏的合同,而且会造成你账号的封停或终止。
The supplier would presumably offer units for sale as long as the additional cost of producing each unit is less than or perhaps just equal to the price offered. 只要生产每一个单位产品的额外成本低于或者可能刚好等于所提供的价格,供应商则会大概提供用于销售的单位量。
Do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood. 做买卖;出售一些生活必需品。
The feature of finding out traditional service sale channel from cause and the problem of traditional channel pattern, classify for traditional service sale channel offer for serving sale channel construction Basic way of thinking; 从传统的渠道模式的问题和成因出发,找出传统服务营销渠道的特征,对传统服务营销渠道进行分类并对服务营销渠道建设提供基本思路;